Highlights from the NY state page on marriage license requirements.
- A couple who intends to be married in New York State must apply in person for a marriage license to any town or city clerk in the state.
Although the marriage license is issued immediately, the marriage ceremony may not take place within 24 hours from the exact time that the license was issued.
- A marriage license is valid for 60 days, beginning the day after it is issued.
- The fee for a marriage license is $35 payable in money order only. No other method of payment will be accepted.
- A person is required to establish proof of age and identity by submitting to the issuing clerk a birth certificate and a drivers license.
- To be valid, a marriage ceremony must be performed by any of the individuals specified in Section 11 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law. These include: a member of the clergy or minister who has been officially ordained and granted authority to perform marriage ceremonies from a governing church body in accordance with the rules and regulations of the church body; a member of the clergy or minister who is not authorized by a governing church body but who has been chosen by a spiritual group to preside over their spiritual affairs;
The person performing the ceremony must be registered with the City of New York in order to perform a ceremony within the New York City limits. The officiant does not have to be a resident of New York State.
(The brother doing our talk can go to the City Clerk Website and download the appropriate forms. We can call 212-699-8090 to confirm the registration has been processed).
And for the Charlestonian in you:
A marriage may not take place in New York State between an ancestor and descendant, a brother and sister (full or half blood), an uncle and niece or an aunt and nephew, regardless of whether or not these persons are legitimate or illegitimate offspring.